
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Maria Elena In The House

Assalamua'laikum *kalau tak jawab dosa, kalau jawab sayang* (^__^)v

Sesiapa tak kenal MARIA ELENA? Sila angkat jari!! *sambil mengangkat jari manis* (_ _!!  Mesti korang-korang t'tanya-tanya, siapakah gelaran minah yg b'gelar Maria Elena ini.. Hohoho~ (^__^)v

Actually saya memang tak tahu kewujudan si Maria Elena mata bOolat besar nie  *no offence* =P  Satu malam tue t'nampak one of her videos lar from Geng Blogger!! from FB, if I am not mistaken lar.. Sekodeng punya sekodeng jap, terus t'gelak guling-guling (_ _!!

So, she is an engineer @ future engineer.. I am not sure about that (^__^)v  *korang-korang search sendiri lar*  Video dia sangat-sangat cantik menarik t'tarik kau memang debOom.. Ada tutorial utk wanita-wanita di luar sana cara memakai hijjab & make up, learn some english words  *seswai utk saya yg memang tak pandai bahasa inggeris* (_ _!! ect...

This two videos are from Maria Elena that I found so cool + funny habis and can make you laugh guling-guling every time you watch it (^___^)v  But importantly at the end of the video she will put moral of the story. That's why I love it so much about her videos! (^__^)v  Kadang-kadang what she talked about kena batang hidung sendiri jugak.. Hahaha!! Enjoy the show~ =)

Dah tengok? Dah tengok? Funny sangattttttt kan.. Hahahah!! (^__^)v  Why do I love watching her videos?
  • Her english! Wow! Sangat lancar macam air mengalir di sungai  *mood sangat jeleszzz* (_ _!!
  • Her impression! How she impresses her emotion with gesture mimic etc! Dengan mata bOolat sangat *ku cucuk jugak biji matanya* (_ _!!
  • Her gediks! Full stop! (_ _!!
  • Perasan tak at the end of her videos, konpem akan ada satu trademark "Assalamua'laikum, kalau tak jawab dosa, kalau jawab sayang"  So sweettttt~ (_ _!!

So, if you guys want to see more funny interesting from her, just click here --> MARIA ELENA SHORTNAP'S CHANNEL.. Watch & judge by yourself! Me? I am definitely falling in love with her videos! Hohoho~ (^__^)v


P/S : post kali ini banyak menggunakan perkataan inggeris sebab terpengaruh.. Grammar tunggang terbalik bak tongkah pecah (_ _!!

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