
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Dream

want this LC with blue colour
it looks gorgeous
hehehe~ (^___^)

keep thinking to have a motorbike
& dreaming to have YAMAHA LC135
huhuhuhu~ (-_-!!

IF i have it
it's quiet easy for me to move around
ye lar
before this asyk pinjam moto mber jer
slamat lar have a nice kind friend like her
(d'tuju khas utk Farah Khan) hehe~ =)

bila di pk balik
rsa b'baloi to have it
coz i still have 3 years b4 graduate
lama lgi tueee... huhu~

but the only problem is MONEY
right now of course lar don't have enough money
but need to save money starting from this moment lar
(can i?? dh lar boros skit) hohoho~
what should i do??
keep dreaming or...

or this one

P/S : gonna ask my parent 1st lar.. kot2 dpt loan.. hehehe~ =)


  1. xpe ru..ako0 nye moto klu ko xgune pon,diam tym pose ni bz skit la siWSX tu..beli biru ru!!

  2. hohohohoho~
    baik cik rahhhhhhh~
    ku cuba...
